sarah / 21
she / her(click the image for the next page)
i’m an artist who lives in canada
i write and doodle far too muchhere’s some things i like
MY OC’S!!!!!!!
TYPE-MOON’s Fate Series
Thunderbolt Fantasy
many many many other assorted manhwa and manga
vocaloid / utaite music scene
furry stuff lol
a ton of nintendo franchises
Growtopia ☹︎
here’s a toyhouse i don't use that often. i’ll be updating it with like, a wiki or something at some point. i’ve got a whole library in Obsidian, it’s a pain to transfer!
And for those interested, here’s some things I’m working on.
links to some of my art friends that make stuff too who are worth checking out more than meyawnyarn
remarkably talented longtime friend whose skill is only outmatched by their desire to improve. if you have ever breathed air, yawnyarn is a perfect fit for youmonday
an incredibly talented artist, amazing friend, and famous internet funnycat. monday is a one person movement that will take over the earth and also deserves a delicious treatethylvanny
one of the most wonderful artists i’ve had the pleasure of meeting, speculated to be possessed by both the soul of both a dog with a funny hat and a fine arts museum given life, ethyl’s work is almost certainly worth your time of day
“Active” Projects
The Relicverse is my longest running project. Most of the projects I am working on are but pieces of it. I’ll spare you the details.INSIDERS: WEEKDAYS
Insiders is a series about a bunch of little weirdo’s running around doing weirdoshit. I’m making little youtube videos for them, but I’d like to do an actual webcomic at some point.In Shadows
A work in progress action visual novel. In Shadows follows Camille, a boy bound by soul to a strange God on a journey to uncover the truth in a world where half of humanity has mysteriously lost their shadows.
“Backburner” Projects
Gay Cats (on hiatus)
Gay Cats is a twitter comic detailing glimpses into the lives and relationship of Kit, an anxious unemployed artist living off unreasonable dreams and Freya, a laissez-faire girl just longing to enjoy life one day at a time.Zombie Department
???Alejandro (on hiatus)
Alejandro is a nonsensical webcomic set in a world that is much more than.Shnart and Peepee
Available occasionally on my Twitter, the silly, dramatic, and mundane conversations between two roommates who have long since finished their youthful wild adventures.
the mcchicken
the mcchicken